Site Address:
288 King Street
Newtown NSW 2042
From analyzing the amount of traffic on the surrounding areas of Site 2, I observed that the northern side of the site had the most traffic activity, whereas the southern side had comparatively less activity. This was similar for the pedestrian activity around the site. The high amount of traffic and pedestrian activity on the northern side of the site means that it would have a higher noise pollution than that of the south. Erskineville Road west of the site was surprisingly quiet and forms the space that transitions between the noise and busyness of King Street to the quiet one way street around the south of site 2.
When the surrounding spaces were noted, the other reason that Site 2 is much quieter on the southern side becomes evident. Around the south of Site 2, there is a residential area which is usually quiet, as opposed to the north of the site which is a commercial and public area. It is also important to note that public spaces surround Site 2; the cinema to the north, the post office across the road to the west, and the church to the east. Site 2 sitting at the center of these three public spaces means that this area could potentially be a place for people to meet and socialise apart from the selling and displaying of artworks.
Sun and shade Analysis
Summer Sun
Winter Sun
Sun for Site 2 on 12 May 2010, Wednesday 4:30pm
The photos below were taken at around 4:30pm on Wednesday. They show that around the afternoon, the building at Site 2 will only be exposed to the sun on the third floor (approx. 7 metres high).